Thursday, April 06, 2006


Passwords: Friend or Foe

As Homer Simpson once said, "Urge to kill rising." I wanted to write a little something for this here blog when I was confronted with the dreaded LOG IN road block. "I'm sorry sir, you can't proceed without the proper documents." It feels like my computer is a friend who has forgotten he even knows me. "But this is my blog... I just want to..." "I'm sorry, sir. Without the proper codes and special handshake, you cannot proceed." "But nobody even reads..." "Sir, do I have to call security?"

After hacking away for 2-3 minutes (which, when frustrated feels more like 2-3 hours) I finally got the magical combo of numbers, letters, fonts, capital letters, symbols, etc. to allow me to vent. Now, if only I could remember what it was I wanted to write about anyway.

Voice-overs! Yes.

It's been a while since my last post, so I have had a few voice-over jobs since then. There was a "Marylin Hotchkiss" TV spot, a new "Teen Titans" and a new "Hot Wheels" trailer. The Paramount HD DVD promo was finalized, as well as a "Strangers With Candy" feature commercial for DVD (the theatrical trailer is coming soon) and some stuff for "Little Einstiens" and "Pirates of Tortuga"

Coming up next... vacation! No... seriously, I'm really going on a vacation.

"Urge to kill fading... fading... fading..."

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