Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Easy Come Easy Go!

Well, it's a no go for the sandwich spot. Nice to find out at 11pm. (The session was for 9am.) I was starting to wonder why I didn't have any studio information or anything. This is the life, people. On hold today, canned the next. I mean how hard is it really to say a few dumb words? Seriously. I look at actors in hot dog suits and bear costumes and think those poor lucky fools! They had to go through so much to say, "Look Ma! I got a job!" This is why you keep the day job. You sound great! Let's hire the other guy. Thank God I haven't had to audition wearing a giant hamburger. I have had to voice characterize a chalupa, however...

But the best part about today was that my kids got accepted to a really great middle school and THAT is worth celebrating! Those wishy washy agency people can take their sandwich and, well... you know, eat it. Tomorrow it will be a salad! Or a car. Or a savings account. Take 1! Due by 3pm! Send, send! Maybe this time...

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