Sunday, February 26, 2006


Another Lazy Sunday.

Hello, friends of The Patch! And welcome to my little thread on the web where I can take a few precious minutes of your life (that you don't get back, mind you) and fill your brain with useless tidbits of thought straight from my narcissistic brain!

Today, the lovely (kind of like my version of the precious) and myself went to the local arthouse joint and watched Felicity Huffman act like a guy acting like a gal, who discovers she's actually a father of a misguided youth who thinks HE has problems! Well, despite the fact that none of the trailers shown had my voice on them and the lights never fully went off until the credits rolled (why?), we managed to enjoy the film, in large part due to the fact that we had snuck in copious amounts of Trader Joes snacks.

On the voice-over front, I am scheduled to read for a radio commercial this week promoting some sort of sandwich I will never touch to my lips. Ah, show business... the lies we get paid to tell.

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